How do you use technology in your in-house legal department? | MinuteBox Cloud Entity Management

How do you use technology in your in-house legal department?

Finding efficiencies through legal technology for in-house teams

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Chad Aboud, General Counsel at ActiveView, discusses how he uses legal technology in his in-house legal department.

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How do you use technology in your in-house legal department?

Finding efficiencies through legal technology for in-house teams

About this Highlight
What you'll learn in this webinar highlight πŸ‘‡
  • The number one finding of general counsel that has reviewed undreds of SaaS agreements
  • How a CRM can help with legal department budget review
  • Why simpler MSAs can help reduce cost for in-house legal teams
  • How to get buy-in when using legal technology at your company
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Tips when using legal tech in your corporate legal department πŸ’ͺ🏼 πŸ‘‡

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How do you use technology in your in-house legal department?

What is the biggest thing you've learned as a general counsel reviewing SaaS legal agreements?

So when I was a buyer of tech at Indigo, and so I saw lots of different types of SaaS agreements because typically you get the sellers form, everything from Oracle to, you know, mom and pop shops. What I realized was like, there's very, there's a lot of different formats, short to long stuff, online, everything in the document, old school, embedded commercial and legal terms, mixed together, schedules, all kinds of things.

What perspective should you consider when purchasing legal technology for your company?

If you try to solve it from your own perspective, you're going to buy tech that you never use. So instead, what you do is you find out why other people, what they're struggling with and how they could benefit from it. You frame up a goal to their problem immediately. They become the champion.

What do other stakeholders care about when implementing legal technology throughout a company?

What they care about is now they've got their data. So now they can slice and dice reports. It's easy for them. They look and are very professional in their forecasting and that's the magic. Like you gotta do things from other people's perspective, especially when you need their help.

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