How do general counsel report their legal budget to executives? | MinuteBox Cloud Entity Management

How do general counsel report their legal budget to executives?

How in-house counsel manage up to corporate executives

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In-house general counsel discuss how to report on a legal department budget including frequency of reporting and who has access to the department budget.

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How do general counsel report their legal budget to executives?

How in-house counsel manage up to corporate executives

About this Highlight
What you'll learn in this webinar highlight πŸ‘‡
  • How often to report your legal department budget
  • How often to update your corporate legal department budget
  • Do you ever have to ask for an increase in legal budget even after it has been set?
  • Who should have access and visibility into your legal department budget?
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How general counsel report on a corporate legal department budget πŸ’ͺ🏼 πŸ‘‡

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How do general counsel report their legal budget to executives?

How often do you reconcile your department budget?

Thankfully my executives generally trust my budgeting and we have, we have quarterly reconciliations it's reported up to the board.

How often do you update your legal department budget?

I generally update my budget on like a bi-weekly basis. So I'm very, very diligent on, on my spend on where it's being allocated.

How close do you get between your budget plan and actual spend?

I've landed within a thousand dollars of my year, a couple thousand dollars, my yearly budget. And so that creates a level of trust. I've done that because I've been very, very careful as we go through the editing process to allocate properly.

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