How do in house counsel communicate once you've set your legal department budget? | MinuteBox Cloud Entity Management

How do in house counsel communicate once you've set your legal department budget?

Insight into Building Lean Legal Teams

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ActiveView General Counsel Chad Aboud discussed how to communicate with executives, business teams and the rest of the legal team once the legal department has set its budget. In this clip we also see whose responsibility it is for stayign on budget.

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How do in house counsel communicate once you've set your legal department budget?

Insight into Building Lean Legal Teams

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What you'll learn in this webinar highlight πŸ‘‡
  • How to communicate once a general counsel sets the department budget
  • Who is responsible for stayong on budget in a corporate legal department
  • Which stakeholders to involve in legal department budgeting
  • Who should understand a corporate department budget
  • Should a junior understand corporate legal department budgeting?
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Great Insight into Building Lean Legal Teams πŸ’ͺ🏼 πŸ‘‡

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How do in house counsel communicate once you've set your legal department budget?

Was budgeting something of interest to you as a general counsel?

I think back to when I first went in house and I think when a bunch of, and it was actually something I was really curious about because in private practice, you don't really, you know, have a budget that you're controlling.

What is important to you when setting a budget for an in-house legal department?

I'm a big proponent of making sure that anyone that's on my team understands how the budget got built up when it connects to what we're accountable for, what would happen if we had a black Swan event we hadn't planned for, or were underneath the budget.

Who should own the spend when creating a corporate legal department budget?

I think that's really, really important that in terms of like, who owns the spend, that probably depends on like your team structure or seniority, you know, specialty. So in mine, you know, if we're a two person legal team and I have a junior and you know, I wouldn't expect her at her age and stage and just joining the company to own it.

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