How has the Pandemic Affected Budget Planning for your Department? | MinuteBox Cloud Entity Management

How has the Pandemic Affected Budget Planning for your Department?

How Lean Legal Teams Respond to Pandemic Adversity

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We hear from Wattpad General Counsel Jamie Greenberg on how the pandemic has affected budgeting for his legal department. We hear what counsel did early on in the pandemic when there was a great deal of uncertainty and where they are today in their legal department budget planning.

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How has the Pandemic Affected Budget Planning for your Department?

How Lean Legal Teams Respond to Pandemic Adversity

About this Highlight
What you'll learn in this webinar highlight πŸ‘‡
  • What happened to corporate legal department budgets at the beginning of the pandemic
  • How external legal counsel reacted to smaller in-house legal budgets during the pandemic
  • Why some businesses found a silver lining and benefited through the pandemic
  • What kind of corporate legal department expenses can't be budgeted for
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How the pandemic impacted the budget of this corporate legal department πŸ’ͺ🏼 πŸ‘‡

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How has the Pandemic Affected Budget Planning for your Department?

How has the pandemic affected budget planning for your legal department?

It's better to be lucky than smart. Um, we we've had a whirlwind through the pandemic, uh, budget wise, uh, like, like all companies in March, 2020, uh, you know, we, we really tightened up and I had to have some, uh, relatively difficult conversations.

How did external counsel respond to reduced corporate legal department budgets?

They're all understanding at the time. And I said, listen, you know, stick with us. Um, uh, you know, this will pass. We'll make it up to you.

What was the biggest surprise to come out of the pandemic for your corporate legal department budget?

The the biggest kind of pandemic surprise in terms of budgeting was, was an acquisition.

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