Strategies for Building Up Legal Expertise In House | MinuteBox Cloud Entity Management

Strategies for Building Up Legal Expertise In House

Perpetual learning for in house counsel

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Experienced general counsel discuss strategies for continued learning as in house counsel so you can rely less on external counsel. This clip covers how to think about opportunity cost around deciding which legal work to take on yourself as well as the benefits of developing capabilities close to your core business.

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Strategies for Building Up Legal Expertise In House

Perpetual learning for in house counsel

About this Highlight
What you'll learn in this webinar highlight πŸ‘‡
  • How to decide whether to give work to external counsel
  • Why your legal department should develop expertise around your core business
  • Why you should implement technology and process in your legal department
  • How to recover costs for in-house legal work
  • The benefits to automating legal documents with technology
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Top stratgies for in-house legal departments when considering external counsel πŸ’ͺ🏼 πŸ‘‡

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Strategies for Building Up Legal Expertise In House

Do you use external counsel or rely solely on an in-house legal team?

We use external counsel for a lot of things. So, um, but at the same time, um, we do, there are some areas where we were actually switched from doing something and doing some things internally to externally when we've sort of taken analysis out and said, okay, Let's look at, you know, what our, what our bread and butter work is, how much would it cost to do something else where you know, what that would look like?

How does your legal team evaluate whether to do the work in-house or use external counsel?

Does it actually make sense to do this internally? And could we, could we get a better value proposition by doing it externally? So one thing we've done is with some of our investments in venture capital funds is we actually determined that the, the, um, that type of work was better suited to be, um, if external counsel that was highly focused on just doing that particular thing.

How do you evaluate external counsel when hiring for your legal department?

When we are looking at external counsel, we spend a lot of time looking for external counsel that really fits with our business model. And because we are a little unique and what we do try to do a lot of things internally, um, we really looked at, you know, to define the scope of what's going on.

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