Stevenson Hood Thornton Beaubier LLP Client Story | MinuteBox
Client Story          

MinuteBox Is Exactly What We Needed To Convert Physical Minute Books To Digital Records.

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Practice Type

Full-Service Law Firm

Legal Need

Corporate practice digitization

Efficiency Gains

Complete access to corporate records


SHTB is a full-service law firm located in the heart of downtown Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.


Saskatoon, Saskatchewan


SHTB specializes in a number of practice areas that include corporate and commercial law, business acquisitions, tax planning and litigation, estate planning and administration, intellectual property, and commercial, family, and estate litigation.

Learn how MinuteBox enabled SHTB to move over 2,000 corporate records to cloud-based entity management.

The SHTB team wanted a solution that would allow them to digitize their minute book binders so they could reduce the storage space required to maintain physical minute books in their office, as well as create a method to allow efficient updating and searching of the digitized minute books. They also wanted a cloud-based entity management platform to centralize all their records in the cloud. They were motivated by two overarching needs:

  1. A solution to digitize all existing minute book records
  2. A software solution that would help them scale their minute book and entity management requirements

Prior to engaging with MinuteBox, SHTB had over 2,000 physical minute book binders stored in their law offices. They knew that their existing recordkeeping process was not scalable, and they were motivated to find a digital solution that would transform how they managed their minute books so they could access their records, search the content, update the content quickly and easily, and share content with their clients.

“It felt like minute books were filling every nook and corner of our office, and we thought, ‘what do we do now?’” said Zeke E. Zimonick, Partner, Stevenson Hood Thornton Beaubier LLP. “What really appealed to us about MinuteBox was that their cloud-based entity management solution was exactly what we needed once we converted our books from physical to digital.”

In addition to the software provided by MinuteBox, SHTB was really interested in a partnership with a software provider who could assist with the digital transformation process. MinuteBox delivered on that expectation, providing ongoing daily on-site scanning services during the five-month project. Additionally, working collaboratively with MinuteBox’s customer success team allowed SHTB to confidently migrate client data from physical binders onto secure cloud-based servers.

“There is no cheap and fast way to digitize thousands of binders, but there is a wrong way,” said Zimonick. “We were able to avoid these pitfalls and set up a consistent, repeatable process with MinuteBox that delivered the result we needed.”

A time efficient cloud-based platform to digitize and streamline minute book management

If SHTB’s needs resonate with your own law practice, we’d love to hear from you. Cloud-based entity management software can transform your minute book recordkeeping process and grant back valuable time and resources to your legal professionals so that they can focus more energy on growing the interests of your firm. MinuteBox has helped many organizations digitize minute books with great success, which is just one of many reasons why MinuteBox is the highest-rated entity management program on G2!

“We effectively initiated a full digital transformation that was consistent from start to finish,” said Zimonick. “We quickly realized that you want to make sure the first and last binders are scanned the same way. With MinuteBox as our knowledgeable partner, that’s exactly what we got.”

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“There is no cheap and fast way to digitize thousands of binders, but there is a wrong way,”

Zeke Zimonick, Managing Partner

Corporate Partner, SHTB LLP